Language Features


Some behaviour of the language runners can be configured. See Configuring Langauge Runner for details.

Step implementations

Steps have a language specific implementation that gets executed on the spec execution.

Simple step

Step name

* Say "hello" to "gauge"


// The Method can be written in **any C# class** as long as it is part of the project.
public class StepImplementation {

   [Step("Say <greeting> to <product name>")]
   public void HelloWorld(string greeting, string name) {
       // Step implementation

// This Method can be written in any java class as long as it is in classpath.

public class StepImplementation {

   @Step("Say <greeting> to <product name>")
   public void helloWorld(String greeting, String name) {
       // Step implementation

step("Say <greeting> to <name>", async function(greeting, name) {
  throw 'Unimplemented Step';
@step("Say <greeting> to <product name>")
def create_following_characters(greeting, name):
    assert False, "Add implementation code"
step 'Say <greeting> to <product name>' do |greeting, name|
 # Code for the step

Step with table


* Create following "hobbit" characters
  |id |name   |
  |123|frodo  |
  |456|bilbo  |


// Here Table is a custom data structure defined by gauge.
// This is available by adding a reference to the Gauge.CSharp.Lib.
// Refer :

public class Users {

   [Step("Create following <role> users <table>")]
   public void HelloWorld(string role, Table table) {
       // Step implementation

// Table is a custom data structure defined by gauge.
public class Users {

  @Step("Create following <race> characters <table>")
  public void createCharacters(String type, Table table) {
      // Step implementation

step("Create following <arg0> characters <arg1>", async function(arg0, arg1) {
  throw 'Unimplemented Step';
// Here Table is a custom data structure defined by gauge.

@step("Create following <hobbit> characters <table>")
def create_following_characters(hobbit, table):
    assert False, "Add implementation code"
# Here table is a custom data structure defined by gauge-ruby.

step 'Create following <race> characters <table>' do |role, table|
  puts table.rows
  puts table.columns

Execution hooks

Test execution hooks can be used to run arbitrary test code as different levels during the test suite execution.


public class ExecutionHooks

  public void BeforeSuite() {
    // Code for before suite

  public void AfterSuite() {
    // Code for after suite

  public void BeforeSpec() {
    // Code for before spec

  public void AfterSpec() {
    // Code for after spec

  public void BeforeScenario() {
    // Code for before scenario

  public void AfterScenario() {
    // Code for after scenario

  public void BeforeStep() {
    // Code for before step

  public void AfterStep() {
    // Code for after step

public class ExecutionHooks {

  @BeforeSuite public void BeforeSuite() {
     // Code for before suite

  public void AfterSuite() {
     // Code for after suite

  public void BeforeSpec() {
     // Code for before spec

  public void AfterSpec() {
     // Code for after spec

  public void BeforeScenario() {
     // Code for before scenario

  public void AfterScenario() {
     // Code for after scenario

  public void BeforeStep() {
     // Code for before step

  public void AfterStep() {
     // Code for after step

hooks.beforeSuite(fn, [opts]) {
  // Code for before suite

hooks.beforeSpec(fn, [opts]) {
  // Code for before spec

hooks.beforeScenario(fn, [opts]) {
  // Code for before scenario

hooks.beforeStep(fn, [opts]) {
  // Code for before step

hooks.afterSuite(fn, [opts]) {
  // Code for after suite

hooks.afterSpec(fn, [opts]) {
  // Code for after spec

hooks.afterScenario(fn, [opts]) {
  // Code for after scenario

hooks.afterStep(fn, [opts]) {
  // Code for after step
from getgauge.python import before_step, after_step, before_scenario, after_scenario, before_spec, after_spec, before_suite, after_suite

def before_step_hook():
    print("before step hook")

def after_step_hook():
    print("after step hook")

def before_scenario_hook():
    print("before scenario hook")

def after_scenario_hook():
    print("after scenario hook")

def before_spec_hook():
    print("before spec hook")

def after_spec_hook():
    print("after spec hook")

def before_suite_hook():
    print("before suite hook")

def after_spec_hook():
    print("after suite hook")
before_suite do
  # Code for before suite

after_suite do
  # Code for after suite

before_spec do
  # Code for before spec

after_spec do
  # Code for after spec

before_scenario do
  # Code for before scenario

after_scenario do
  # Code for after scenario

before_step do
  # Code for before step

after_step do
  # Code for after step

By default, Gauge clears the state after each scenario so that new objects are created for next scenario execution. You can configure to change the level at which Gauge clears cache.

Data Store

Data (Objects) can be shared in steps defined in different classes at runtime using DataStores exposed by Gauge.

There are 3 different types of DataStores based on the lifecycle of when it gets cleared.


This data store keeps values added to it in the lifecycle of the scenario execution. Values are cleared after every scenario executes

using Gauge.CSharp.Lib;

// Adding value
var scenarioStore = DataStoreFactory.ScenarioDataStore;
scenarioStore.Add("element-id", "455678");

// Fetching Value
var elementId = (string) scenarioStore.Get("element-id");

// avoid type cast by using generic Get
var anotherElementId = scenarioStore.Get("element-id");
import com.thoughtworks.gauge.datastore.*;

// Adding value
DataStore scenarioStore = DataStoreFactory.getScenarioDataStore();
scenarioStore.put("element-id", "455678");

// Fetching Value
String elementId = (String) scenarioStore.get("element-id");
 // Adding value
gauge.dataStore.scenarioStore.put(key, value);

// Fetching Value
from getgauge.python import DataStoreFactory
// Adding value
DataStoreFactory.scenario_data_store().put(key, value)

// Fetching Value
 // Adding value
 scenario_store = DataStoreFactory.scenario_datastore;
 scenario_store.put("element-id", "455678");

 // Fetching Value
 element_id = scenario_store.get("element-id");


This data store keeps values added to it during the lifecycle of the specification execution. Values are cleared after every specification executes

using Gauge.CSharp.Lib;

// Adding value
var specStore = DataStoreFactory.SpecDataStore;
specStore.Add("element-id", "455678");

// Fetching Value
var elementId = (string) specStore.Get("element-id");

// avoid type cast by using generic Get
var anotherElementId = specStore.Get("element-id");
// Import Package import

// Adding value DataStore specStore =
specStore.put("key", "455678");

// Fetching value DataStore specStore =
String elementId = (String) specStore.get("key");
// Adding value DataStore specStore =
gauge.dataStore.specStore.put(key, value);
// Fetching value DataStore specStore =
// Import Package import
from getgauge.python import DataStoreFactory
// Adding value DataStore specStore =
DataStoreFactory.spec_data_store().put(key, value)

// Fetching value DataStore specStore =
// Adding value
spec_store = DataStoreFactory.spec_datastore;
spec_store.put("element-id", "455678");

// Fetching Value
element_id = spec_store.get("element-id");


This data store keeps values added to it during the lifecycle of entire suite execution. Values are cleared after entire suite execution.

Warning: SuiteStore is not advised to be used when executing specs in parallel. The values are not retained between parallel streams of execution.

 // Import Package import

// Adding value
DataStore suiteStore = DataStoreFactory.getSuiteDataStore();
suiteStore.put("element-id", "455678");

// Fetching value
DataStore suiteStore = DataStoreFactory.getSuiteDataStore();
String elementId = (String) suiteStore.get("element-id");
// Adding value DataStore suiteStore =
gauge.dataStore.suiteStore.put(key, value);
// Fetching value DataStore specStore =
// Import Package import
from getgauge.python import DataStoreFactory
// Adding value DataStore suiteStore =
DataStoreFactory.suite_data_store().put(key, value)

// Fetching value DataStore specStore =
// Adding value
suite_store = DataStoreFactory.suite_datastore;
suite_store.put("element-id", "455678");

// Fetching Value
suite_store = DataStoreFactory.suite_datastore;
element_id = suite_store.get("element-id");

Taking Custom Screenshots

  • By default gauge captures the display screen on failure if this feature has been enabled.
  • If you need to take CustomScreenshots (using webdriver for example) because you need only a part of the screen captured, this can be done by implementing the ICustomScreenshotGrabber (IScreenGrabber in C#) interface;


If multiple custom ScreenGrabber implementations are found in classpath then gauge will pick one randomly to capture the screen. This is because Gauge selects the first ScreenGrabber it finds, which in turn depends on the order of scanning of the libraries.

//Using Webdriver public
class CustomScreenGrabber : IScreenGrabber {

  // Return a screenshot byte array
  public byte[] TakeScreenshot() {
      var driver = DriverFactory.getDriver();
      return ((ITakesScreenshot) driver).GetScreenshot().AsByteArray;
// Using Webdriver public class
CustomScreenGrabber implements ICustomScreenshotGrabber {
    // Return a screenshot byte array
    public byte[] takeScreenshot() {
        WebDriver driver = DriverFactory.getDriver();
        return ((TakesScreenshot) driver).getScreenshotAs(OutputType.BYTES);

gauge.screenshotFn = function () {
  return "base64encodedstring";
from getgauge.python import screenshot
def take_screenshot():
    return "base64encodedstring"
# Using Webdriver
Gauge.configure do |config|
  # Return a screenshot byte array
  config.screengrabber = -> {
    return File.binread("/tmp/screenshot.png")

Custom messages in reports

Custom messages/data can be added to execution reports using the below API from the step implementations or hooks.

These messages will appear under steps in the execution reports.

GaugeMessages.WriteMessage("Custom message for report");
var id = "4567";
GaugeMessages.WriteMessage("User id is {0}", id);
Gauge.writeMessage("Custom message for report");
String id = "4567";
Gauge.writeMessage("User id is %s", id);
gauge.message("Custom message for report");
from getgauge.python import Messages

Messages.write_message("Custom message for report")
Gauge.write_message("Custom message for report")
id = "4567"
Gauge.write_message("User id is" + id)

Enum as Step parameter

The constant values of an Enum data type can be used as parameters to a Step. However, the type of parameter should match the Enum name itself in step implementation.


* Navigate towards "SOUTH"


public enum Direction { NORTH, SOUTH, EAST, WEST; }

@Step("Navigate towards ")
public void navigate(Direction direction) {
   //  code here

Continue on Failure

The default behaviour in Gauge is to break execution on the first failure in a step. So, if the first step in a scenario fails, the subsequent steps are skipped. While this works for a majority of use cases, there are times when you need to execute all steps in a scenario irrespective of whether the previous steps have failed or not.

To address that requirement, Gauge provides a way for language runners to mark steps as recoverable, depending on whether the step implementation asks for it explicitly. Each language runner uses different syntax, depending on the language idioms, to allow a step implementation to be marked to continue on failure.

// The ``[ContinueOnFailure]`` attribute tells Gauge to continue executing others
// steps even if the current step fails.

public class StepImplementation {
    [Step("Say <greeting> to <product name>")]
    public void HelloWorld(string greeting, string name) {
        // If there is an error here, Gauge will still execute next steps

// The ``@ContinueOnFailure`` annotation tells Gauge to continue executing other
// steps even if the current step fails.

public class StepImplementation {
    @Step("Say <greeting> to <product name>")
    public void helloWorld(String greeting, String name) {
        // If there is an error here, Gauge will still execute next steps

// The ``@ContinueOnFailure`` annotation tells Gauge to continue executing other
// steps even if the current step fails.

gauge.step("Say <greeting> to <product>.", { continueOnFailure: true}, function (greeting,product) {
// The ``@ContinueOnFailure`` annotation tells Gauge to continue executing other
// steps even if the current step fails.

@step("Say <greeting> to <product>")
def step2(greeting,product):
# The ``:continue_on_failure => true`` keyword argument
# tells Gauge to continue executing other steps even
# if the current step fails.

step 'Say <greeting> to <name>', :continue_on_failure => true do |greeting, name|
  # If there is an error here, Gauge will still execute next steps

Continue on Failure can take an optional parameter to specify the list of error classes on which it would continue to execute further steps in case of failure. This is currently supported only with the following runners.

@ContinueOnFailure({AssertionError.class, CustomError.class})
public void sayHello() {
  // code here

public void sayHello() {
  // code here

public void sayHello() {
  // code here
@step("Step 2")
def step2():

In case no parameters are passed to @ContinueOnFailure, on any type of error it continues with execution of further steps by default.

This can be used to control on what type of errors the execution should continue, instead of just continuing on every type of error. For instance, on a RuntimeException it’s ideally not expected to continue further. Whereas if it’s an assertion error, it might be fine to continue execution.


  • Continue on failure comes into play at post execution, i.e. after the step method is executed. If there is a failure in executing the step, ex. parameter count/type mismatch, Gauge will not honour the ContinueOnFailure flag.
  • Continue on failure does not apply to hooks. Hooks always fail on first error.
  • Step implementations are still non-recoverable by default and Gauge does not execute subsequent steps upon failure. To make a step implementation continue on failure, it needs to be explicitly marked in the test code.
  • There is no way to globally mark a test run to treat all steps to continue on failure. Each step implementation has to be marked explicitly.
  • If an implementation uses step aliases, marking that implementation to continue on failure will also make all the aliases to continue on failure. So, if a step alias is supposed to break on failure and another step alias is supposed to continue on failure, they need to be extracted to two different step implementations.